منتديات الألحان المرحة ® ALHAN MAREHA
أسرار لعبة هارفست مون P_20737hqei1

الرئيسيةمكتبة الصورالأحداثبحـثالمنشوراتأحدث الصورس .و .جالتسجيلدخول
سأعاود التواصل معكم قريباً جداً .. نحن الآن في تاريخ 10/5/2024
إن شاء الله ، لدي شيء ما لأفعله قبل العودة إلى المنتدى معكم♥
كونوا بصحة جيدة ، و احملوا في قلوبكم الكثير من البهجة و الحب♥
من إدارة المنتدى : نيمو شتاين


 أسرار لعبة هارفست مون

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
كوتو تشان
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★
كوتو تشان

النقاط » النقاط » : 13689
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 453
الحالة » الحالة » : لا شيء
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية السابعة
وسام السنوية السابعة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يونيو 2017, 08:33


{ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم}

{السلام عليكم والرحمة}

كيف حالك؟

إنشالله تمام.

أقدم لكم جميع أسرار هارفست مون

ملاحظة هامة : اللعبة للجيم بوي .
ملاحظة اخرى : تقدر تحمل مشغل العاب الجيم بوي وتلعب اللعبة بعد ماتحملها .

[Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town]

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كوتو تشان
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★
كوتو تشان

النقاط » النقاط » : 13689
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 453
الحالة » الحالة » : لا شيء
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية السابعة
وسام السنوية السابعة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يونيو 2017, 08:36

تعريف اللعبة:

سوف تكون لديك مزرعة مهجورة

وسوف يوجد لديك منزل صغير و منزل للبقر والخروف <<خوش لغة عربية

>بتحول للعامية<

طبعاً بيكون عندك بعد بيت للدجاج و بيت للحصان

ومكان للزراعة طبعاً مو كله تخليه للزراعة .. لازم تسوي بالأحجار او بالخشب مكان للبقر و للدجاج

بيكون عندك كلب من بدايتة اللعبة

وبيكون عندك 500 G

وشجرة اضغط عليها راح يطلع لك عسل حطه في الصندوق اللي قبال كوخك ههه كوخ مو بيت بعدين تقدر



طبعاً لازم ادوات للزراعة و للسقي

راح تلقا صندوق في الكوخ اضغط عليه وراح يطلعون لك الأدوات

طيب الحين بذكر لكم اسمائهم:

- الحارثة

- اللي تقطع الحشيش الموجود في مكان الزرع

- المطرقة

- الفأس

- الساقية مدري شيسمونها لازم تعبيها قبل ماتستخدمها عشان تسقي الزرع

- السنارة روح للبحر راح تجيك قصة اذا كان في الشنطة حقتك فاضية مافيها ادوات راح يعطيك واحد اسمه {زاك}.

- الفرشاة راح تشتريها من محل اللي جنب محل الدجاج

- اللي تحلب البقر بعد راح تشتريها من محل اللي جنب الدجاج

- المقص راح تشتريه نفس الشي من ذا المحل.

طبعاً راح اذكر لكم جميــــــــــــــــــع الشخصيات

راح نطول لأني مرة وحدة راح اقول شنهو يحبون من الأكل و راح اقول مين اللي تقدر تتزوجها بعد ماتخلي القلب الأسود إلى الأحمر راح تشتري ريشة من السوبر ماركت وتستعمل الريشة للبنت اللي تبي تتزوجها انصحك تخزن قبل ماتستعملها لأن احتمال ماتقبل الا بعد كم شهر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كوتو تشان
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★
كوتو تشان

النقاط » النقاط » : 13689
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 453
الحالة » الحالة » : لا شيء
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية السابعة
وسام السنوية السابعة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يونيو 2017, 08:39

اللي تقدر تتزوجهم:

آن فتاة مسترجلة والدها لديه مطعم وهي تساعده
دائماً يفوز والدها في مسابقات الطبخ
آن فتاة جنونية في بعض الأحيان <بصراحة ما احب هذي اعتبرها طفلة
تذهب آن للبركة لتتحدث مع الآلهة من الساعة 8 حتى الساعة 10 .
عيد ميلادها:
ربيع {الفصل الثاني}
كيك الجبن - الفطيرة
الأشياء المضلة:
اطباق البيض - الحساء - الفراولة - الحليب - الحلويات - كعك الأرز
{ العطر} <<تحب العطورات - ورود.

كارين <هذي اللي بتزوجها في اللعبة
كارين تعيش مع امها و ابيها ولدى ابيها سوبر ماركت
كارين تريد مساعدة ابيها في السوبر ماركت ولكن معظم وقتها خارجه
تحب الرومانسية
وتحب شرب الخمر << استغفر الله
تذهب في الليل للتنزه في البحر
عيد ميلادها:
الفصل الثالث يعني.
بيتزا - فطيرة فرنسية
اشياء مفضلة :
فطيرة فرنسية - خمر - ورود

تـــــــــــــابع الشـــــــــخصيــــات :

إيلي :
إذا ذهبت إلى المستشفى سوف تشاهد إلي خلف المنضدة
إيلي هدفها أن تكون ممرضة جيدة
إنها تساعد الطبيب في أي شيء من الأشياء الطبية
أيضا هي تبيع نوعان من الجرع
هذا الجرع تجعلك افضل حالاً عندما تكون متعب
عندما تكون المستشفى مغلقة في يوم الخميس تذهب لزيارة جدتها و شقيقها
والد إيلي توفي منذ زمن طويـــــــــل إنه يحبهها هي وشقيقها الصغير جداً
إن الطبيب يعيش مع إيلي في المستشفى في الأعلى وكلاهما ينام في في غرفة منفصلة
سوف يأتي يوم وسيتزوج الطبيب إيلي فإذا أردت ان تتزوجها فعليك ان تجعلها تحبك قب أن يتزوجها الطبيب.
عيد ميلادها:
الفصل الأول
يوم: 16
الحليب الساخن
أشياء مفضلة لديها:
الفراولة, الحليب ، والفراولة ، جميع الأكسسوارات ، زهرة القرنفل، العشب الازرق ،الماس الوردي ، الفراولة الحليب ، المعكرونة.

هي فتاة خجولة وهادءة جداً
لديها مكتبة بجوار منزلها
تفتح المكتبة من 10am حتى 6pm
عيد ميلادها:
الفصل الرابع [ الشتاء]
يوم: 20
اغذيتها الخاصة:
الشاي , عصير الخضروات
أشياء مفضلة لديها:
العنب البري ، وجميع الفطر ، شوكولا، العشب الأحمر والأسود ،العشب الأبيض ، عصير العنب ،
الماس الوردي ، العطور.
لزيادة قلبها إصعد إلى الطابق الثاني في المكتبة

ياحلاتها هذي
الآلهة :
تستطيع تزوجها إذا نفذت كل الأشياء التالية
تكبير المنزل أكبر شيء
صيد جميع انواع الأسماك
جمع كل 9 من جواهر الالهة والحصول على الاحجار الكريمة من الالهة
تواجد السرير في منزلك
حفر كل نوع من البند من الألغام الربيع
يجب ان تسأل كارتر للتزوج الآلهة
عيد ميلادها:
الربيع الفصل الثاني
أغذيتها الخاصة:
الأشياء المفضلة لديها:
البيض,الحليب,الورود,جميع المحاصيل الأخرى.
لتجعلها تحبك أكثر
إذهب في المنجم و وصل إلى الطابق 200 او 100 

تعيش في مزرعة الدواجن مع شقيقها ريك ووالدتها ليلى
والدها حاليا بعيد عن القرية
ريك اتخذ رعاية شقيقته في حالة غياب والده
معظم الأيام في الصباح تذهب للتمشي في الينابع الساخنة
عيد ميلادها:
الفصل الأول [الصيف]
اغذيتها الخاصة:
اشياء مفضلة لديها:
الفراولة ، وجميع البيض والشوكولاته ، والكعك والسندويتشات وجميع الاكسسوارات ، والآيس كريم .

انتهينا من الشخصيات الي تقدر تتزوجهم 
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كوتو تشان
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★
كوتو تشان

النقاط » النقاط » : 13689
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 453
الحالة » الحالة » : لا شيء
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية السابعة
وسام السنوية السابعة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يونيو 2017, 08:42

هو رئيس القرية
سوف يأتيك في بداية اللعبة ويعطيك مزرعة لتعيش فيها
وسوف يدعوك لبعض الأحتفلات.
عيد الميلاد:
النبيذ, جميع الملحقات

يعمل حداد وهو بجوار مزرعتك سوف تحتاج إليه دائماً
في تطوير الأدوات و شراء الآلات والأدوات.
عيد الميلاد:

يعيش في البحيرة في نفسه
إذا رميت كل يوم الخيار لمدة 10 ايام متتالية سوف يعطيك تفاحة الطاقة الزرقاء
عيد الميلاد:
غير معروف

حقاً لا أحد يعرف أين يعيش جورميت
لكنه يأتي في كل احتفال طبخ
فهو الحكم للمسابقة وهو الذي يتذوق الطعام
إنه خموول و ليس نشيط أبداً
عيد الميلاد:
غير معروف
الطعام بجميع أنواعه

راعي الكنيسة وهو كارتر , لا يترك الكنيسة أبداً فهوا مهتم بها جداً
إذا كنت صديق جيداً لكارتر سوف يسمح لك بالدخول خلف الكنيسة وأخذ الفطر في فصل الخريف.
عيد الميلاد:
البيض,الكاري,جميع أنواع الأسماك

ساشا فهي زوجة جيف تمضي معظم وقتها في خلف المركز بالداخل
هي وابنتها كارين
عيد الميلاد:
الشوكلاتة , الزهور بأنواعها

تعيش مع جدها في المدينة
إنها تحب العيش في المدن الصغيرة
تحب الحيوانات , وتذهب بجانب الكنيسة لتلعب مع ستو
عيد الميلاد:
الأحذية,التفاح,العسل,عصير الفواكة

جيف لديه سوبر ماركت هو مديره و ساشا أيضاً
عيد الميلاد:
المفضلة :
رقائق الذرة ، عسل ، عصير الفواكه

إيلين هي جدة إيلي و ستو
دائماً تكون في المنزل فهي لاتخرج منه
عيد الميلاد:
الشتاء :13
البيض المسلوق,الحليب,الجزر,كعك الأرز

يقضي وقته دائماً في المنزل و يذهب كل صباح للتسلق في الجبل
يكتب في كتب عن الأشجار والنباتات و بعدها يضعها في المكتبة
باسل متزوج من آنا وابنتهما ماري.
عيد الميلاد:
العنب البري ، والأعشاب ، الفطر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كوتو تشان
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★
كوتو تشان

النقاط » النقاط » : 13689
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 453
الحالة » الحالة » : لا شيء
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية السابعة
وسام السنوية السابعة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 17 يونيو 2017, 08:48

تـــــــــــــــابع الشخصيات

{ باللغة الإنجليزية }

Zack lives in the house next to the boat dock on Mineral Beach. If he's not at the General Store or walking to (or from) your house, he'll be found inside his home. He doesn't get out very much! He also shares his space with When you need to ship your produce, Zack is the guy who does all the work for you. He'll be at your farm just about every day at 5pm to exchange the items you've grown for money. On festival days he won't appear, but you don't have to worry about the items in the shipping bin going to waste. Zack will just pick them up the next day instead. Won, but he doesn't seem to mind. I'm sure if Zack didn't want Won to be there, he could flex those huge muscles of his and kick the little merchant out of his house.
When you first start your game, go to Zack's house in order to receive the Fishing Pole from him. If he doesn't give it to you when you first visit him, make sure you have an empty spot in the Tools section of your rucksack. When you are finally able to fish up every kind of fish that exists around Mineral Town, Zack will come by the next day and congratulate you on your accomplishment.
When Rod was out traveling the world looking for the flower to cure his wife Lillia's sickness, he came across Zack and told him all about Mineral Town. After that Zack decided to move to Rod's home town. Zack also has a crush on Lillia, but because of what Rod has done for him, he dares not try to woo her. Zack will mention occasionally that he likes a lady, but she's already married.

Summer 29

Favorites :
Tomatoes, Cheese, Cucumbers

The Harvest Sprites live in a shack behind Carter's Church. During any season you can go visit them in their house and ask for their assitance with your farm work. You can ask them to water your crops, harvest your crops, or take care of your animals. Their are 7 Sprites; Chef (red), Nappy (orange), Hoggy (yellow), Timid (green), Aqua (blue), Staid (indigo), and Bold (violet).
When you start your farm adventure the Sprites all start off liking you a little bit, but their friendship levels can quickly drop if you don't pay much attention to them. To request their assistance, talk to the Sprite you want and then select the first option. From there you can choose to have him water your crops, take care of your animals, or harvest your crops. Then just choose 1, 3, or 7 days. The next morning the Sprite will arrive at your farm to work. They actually won't even help you with your work until you have raised their friendship levels up to 3 hearts. A simple way to raise their heart levels is to give them gifts of grass.
"Give them Weed?! What are you thinking?!"
No no not that kind of grass. During the Spring, Summer, and Fall you'll find grass weeds scattered about in various places. You'll find the majority of it on Mother Hill and Mineral Beach. Giving the Sprite its color-coordinated grass raises the friendship very quickly. Since there are no black or white Sprites there's no need to give them those colors of grass. There are two "blue" grasses; a normal blue and an indigo blue. Indigo Grass grows in the Fall while Blue Grass grows in the Spring and Summer.
Besides being able to help you on the farm, once they have a friendship level of at least 3 hearts you can play mini games with them. When you talk to a Sprite, select the 2nd menu option to play a game. You can play only 1 game per day with each Sprite.
The first game is about crop watering, sort of like "follow the leader". You will have 25 little squares and when it's time to play 3 of them will light up in a certain order. It's your job to remember the order they appeared in and then use the A button to have the Sprite water that spot. If you water the spot in the correct order a plant will appear. If you do it out of order the ground will still get wet, but no plant. If you try to water the wrong spot, the Sprite will say ". . ." and you have to find the right one. You have 25 seconds to find all 3 spots correctly. After playing 3 rounds your score is tallied; (the number of plants you sprouted) + (the number of watered spots) - (the number of misses) = your total score. When your Sprites get better at watering crops, the number of light-up squares will increase when playing the mini game.

The second game has you pulling a Turnip out of the ground. You have to press the A button at a steady pace in order to pull out the vegetable. If you start getting out of pace, the Sprite's face will turn read. If you keep going like that he'll pull the top off the veggie instead of pull the whole thing out of the ground. The goal is to pull out as many Turnips as you can without breaking off the tops.

The last game has your Sprite feeding 5 chickens. The object of the game is to feed the chickens as fast as you can. If the chicken runs out of food, it will walk to the bottom of the screen. If it reaches the bottom that's a point against your total score. The chickens eat quickly so try to keep their food bins full. You don't have to grab any food to feed them, just press the A button while standing in front of the food bin. If the bin is full though that will count as a mark against your total score. Likewise if the chicken completely runs off the edge of the screen then it's a bad point. As long as you don't get 10 bad points in 60 seconds then you'll clear the game.

Birthdays »
Chef - Fall 14
Nappy - Winter 22
Hoggy - Fall 10
Timid - Summer 16
Aqua - Spring 26
Staid - Spring 15
Bold - Spring 4

Favorites »
Colored Grass, Flour, Honey, Apples, Bread

Manna is Duke's wife. When Duke is out working in the grape field, Manna keeps an eye on their little shop. She sells Wine and Grape Juice from 10am until noon. After that she'll leave to go have a gossip fest in Rose Plaza.
Manna loves to talk and will often just ramble on and on until she realizes she's said too much. Sometimes you can find out interesting pieces of information about the other villagers just by listening to Manna. She cares greatly for her daughter Aja, who she hasn't seen in a long time. Aja and Duke had a quarrel and she left Mineral Town.

Birthday »
Fall 11

Favorites »
Milk, Honey, Mushrooms

The only days you'll see Harris vary his patrol is on festival days. Sometimes he likes to watch the events that occur in Rose Plaza and he'll not patrol that day.

Birthday :
Summer 04

Favorites :
Small fish, Spa-boiled Eggs, Energy Drink

Duke runs the AJ Winery with his wife Manna. In the Summer he harvests the grapes that grow on his property and then converts them into delicious wine. Duke is quite fond of drinking the items he produces.
Duke and Manna have a daugher named Aja, who the winery is named after. Aja and Duke had a quarrel some time ago and Aja moved out of Mineral Town. Duke, being stubborn, doesn't talk much about his missing daughter. Manna is still a little upset with Duke for the fight and wishes her daughter would return, but she becomes even more irritated with him when she finds out he's been drinking.

Birthday »
Winter 15

Favorites »
Wine, Sashimi, Eggplant

If you want any Cows or Sheep, Barley is the man you'll need to talk to. He runs the Yodel Ranch and has a daughter named Joanna. In order to seek her fortune, Joanna has left the village. She decided not to take her daughter May along with her, so May lives with Grandpa Barley. The two of them get along just peachy and Barley takes good care of May. They even have a dog named Hana. Hana never seems too interested in going outside and spends all day in the house.

Yodel Ranch is just to the south of Rose Plaza, next to the
Chicken Farm. If you want to purchase an animal, go to the ranch between 10am and 3pm. Barley will be there inside his house, selling products you can use for your livestock. On Mondays he takes the day off and closes his shop. Just talk to him from the opposite side of the counter when you are ready to buy something.

Barley will sell you food for your animals for 20 G each, extra cows and sheep, magical potions you can use to impregnate your animals, medicine if they every get sick, and the Bell. When you use the Bell your animals will follow the sound and start walking towards you. It's good to use if you want to push them all outside or put them all back inside for the night.
Barley is also in charge of the Cow and Sheep festivals that occur in Rose Plaza. The Cow Festival is on Summer 20 and the Sheep Festival is on the 21st of Fall. Barley will come by the day before the festival and ask if you would like to participate. If you do then you'll have to choose which animal you wish to enter into the contest. Barley will take the animal away and you won't see it again until the festival day. After the contest is over he'll return your animal back inside of your barn.

Birthday »
Spring 17

Favorites »
Scrambled Eggs, Rice, Miso Soup

Won moves into Mineral Town 2 days after you move into your Grandpa's farm. He will set up his shop inside ofZack's beach shack, much to Zack's dismay. The two of them share the house without many problems though. You can only visit Won when Zack is home between the hours of 11am and 4pm. Unlike the Grocery Store, Won never takes a day off to close his shop.

Won sells plant seeds that Jeff doesn't sell at the Grocery Store. Won's products aren't on a seasonal rotation; you can buy Cabbage seeds in the middle of Winter so you have them to plant on the 1st of Spring. Besides vegetables, Won also sells flower seeds. On your first year on the farm Won will have the Ball and Frisbee for sale on the 1st of Fall.

At random times Won may greet you in the morning and try to sell you special items he's been able to get a hold of. He will sell you 3 different apples (SUGDW, HMSGB, and AFPFE) for 500 G each and a Flower Vase for your home. You might think the apples are a rip off, which they are, but they do count as a shippable item. If you want to marry the Harvest Goddess you have to buy at least 1 of each apple and then ship it to Zack. If you buy the Flower Vase, you can put flowers in it. If you put in a Moondrop or a blue-colored MagicRed Flower, you'll help to regain your strength. To regain your fatigue put a Pinkcat, red-colored MagicRed, or a Toy Flower.

When you've upgraded your house for the first time and you've purchased the Cupboard from the Tv Shopping Channel, Won will have a Truth Jewel for sale in his ship. The jewel costs 50,000 G and if you collect all 9 of them, you'll recieve an item that regains your strength and fatigue if you have it equiped.

Birthday »

Winter 19

Favorites »

Orihalcon, Golden Eggs, any Accessory, Apples

Stu is Elli's little brother and he lives with their Grandma Ellen. Stu and Elli's parents died a long time ago, so it's up to Elli and Ellen to take care of him. Stu is normally a pretty good kid and doesn't cause a lot of problems. He does like to find insects, which he shows to his Grandma. Unfortunatly his sister Elli doesn't like bugs.
Stu's playmate is May, Barley's Granddaughter. He and May will usually go play in front of the Church when the weather is good. Paster Carter will watch them for a few hours and then the two kids will return home.

Birthday »
Fall 05

Favorites »
Honey, Yarn, Chocolate

The person in charge of the Poultry Farm is Lillia. She will sell you anything you need for your chickens. Lillia is also Popuri and Rick's mother.
Lillia has a illness that often prevents her from leaving the Poultry Farm. She has her good days and her bad days, but she doesn't go to the Rose Plaza like the other woman do every afternoon. Lillia does visit the Clinic on Sundays and sometimes she has the energy to attend a festival or two.
Her husband, Rod, left Mineral Town in search of a mysterious flower that is suppose to cure Lillia. Rick helps his mother as much as he can, but sometimes he feels his father was irresponsible to leave Lillia all by herself. Popuri on the other hand, believes her father will eventually find the flower and return home.

Birthday »
Spring 19

Favorites »
Milk, all accessories, Tomatoes

Gotz is the woodcutter who lives in the forest just south of your farm. He spends most of his time around the forest and mountains. He also lives by himself in the little cottage along the path to the Hot Springs.
This fellow is also the town carpenter so he can upgrade buildings on your farm. All you have to do is have the required lumber necessary for the expansions and enough money to pay for Gotz's wages. After you hire him to work on your farm, he'll arrive the next day. Three days later he'll be finished and you have a larger building to work with.
At some point in your game Gotz will sink into a very deep depression. He won't work for several seasons even if you want to hire him. The only way to get him out of his slump is to give him wonderful gifts like eggs and honey. When he's ready to start building again, you'll see a cut scene where he thanks you for your kindness.

Birthday »
Fall 02

Favorites »
Apples, Honey, Eggs

The Mineral Town Inn is run by Doug and his daughter Ann. His wife died a long time ago, leaving Doug to raise Ann on his own. Doug wants the best for his daughter so he's friendly to any bachelor who enters his Inn. He just wants Ann to be happily married! Ann doesn't appreciate his enthusiasm and is often embarrased by his actions.
Doug doesn't leave the Inn and only takes one day off a year. On the 5th of Fall he'll close his Inn and spends the day on Mother's Hill. Any other time you'll find him behind the counter on the first floor of the Inn, or in the back room cooking up food to put on his menu. He sells different foods during lunch and dinner.

Birthday »
Winter 11

Favorites »
Small Fish, Honey, Apples

Anna is Mary's mother. She lives in the house next to the Library with her husband Basil. Anna looks a little out of place with her fancy dress, long white gloves, and earrings, but she doesn't seem to complain about living in a tiny village. Sometimes her snobiness will show itself, especially if you give her a gift that she hates.
Usually Anna will be inside her house in the kitchen. Tuesdays through Sundays she will leave her house in the afternoon and walk to Rose Plaza. There she'll meet up with Sasha and Manna for a little gossip-fest. Mondays are a special time when her whole family spends the morning on Mother's Hill together.

Birthday »
Fall 23

Favorites »
Sweet Potatoes, Honey, Strawberries, Apples, Eggs.

Cliff recently moved to Mineral Town. He's very shy and prefers to keep to himself. During your first few months, he'll hide away from everyone else by spending the day with Carter in the Church. Even when you do stop by to say hello, he will only mumble a reply in return.

On the 14th of Fall during your first year, Duke will come by your farm and ask if you could help him with his wine harvest that year. If you agree to help, he suggests that you go around town and see if there is anyone else who might be interested in picking grapes. A good person to ask would be Cliff! If you choose to have him participate, then the two of you will pick grapes together on the 15th. Duke will then offer Cliff a job at the winery. If you choose not to ask Cliff, then at the end of the year he'll decide it's best if he moves out of Mineral Town. He'll pack his things and leave town, never to return.

Cliff is your rival for Ann. His "home" is a room on the 2nd floor of Doug's Inn so he's even in the same building where she lives. If you allow the two of them to get married, nothing really changes with their schedules. You'll still find Ann inside the Inn and Cliff outside working in the vineyard.

Birthday »
Summer 6

Favorites »
Scrambled Eggs, Curry Rice, Miso Soup

Rick lives with his mother and sister at the Chicken Farm. Ever since his dad left Mineral Town in search for Lila's medicine, Rick has been there to help his mom with the ranch. He and Popuri quarrel a lot, especially when it comes to Popuri's taste in men. Rick absolutely despises Kai for some reason and he constantly objects with his sister's fascination.

Every Summer he'll come by your farm on the 6th and ask if you would like to enter a chicken into the Chicken Sumo festival. If you do then he'll take your choice chicken away until the next day. During the festival talk to Rick again to start the sumo match. He'll ask if you need him to explain how the festival works, but insists on asking if you need an explanation every time you start a new match. Apparently Rick doesn't believe that his first explanation was good enough, or maybe he just likes to talk.

Rick is also your rival for Karen. How she can be interested in a dorky, jealous chicken-boy I don't know. The two of them spend many mornings together sitting on the bench outside the Hospital. After you see the Orange Heart event between Rick and Karen, their wedding will take place 7 days later. If you're good enough friends with Rick he'll invite you to attend his wedding in the morning. The wedding lasts all day and when it's over you'll be back in your farmhouse to start the next day.

Birthday »
Fall 27

Favorites »
Honey, Spa-Boiled Eggs, Chicken Feed

Kai spends his Summer Vacation in Mineral Town. Once the Summer season ends he returns back to his home in the city. Popuri is quite fond of Kai's tanned skin and sexy purple headbandana, but her brother Rick thinks that Kai is a neusance. When ever he gets the opportunity, Rick lets Kai know that he doesn't like him.

During the Summer Kai has a "snack shack" open on the Beach. Most of the time you'll find him lounging on the bench and watching the waves, but during lunch and dinner time he opens up his food stall. Lunch is between 11am and 1pm while dinner is from 5pm to 7pm. He sells the same items during lunch and dinner. On Sundays Kai keeps his food stall closed all day.

Kai is your rival for Popuri's hand in marriage. Since he's only around during the Summer, that gives you 3 extra seasons to shower her with gifts. If you do allow the two of them to get married, Popuri will move out of Mineral Town and only return with Kai in the Summer. After you hit your second year on the farm, Kai will actually stop by on the 1st of Summer to let you know he's arrived. He will also pay you a visit on the 1st of Fall to say goodbye until next year.

Birthday »
Summer 22

Favorites »
All Summer crops, Eggs, Flour

Gray is an apprentace to his Grandfather Saibara, who is the town's blacksmith. Gray doesn't like being in this "boonie" town so you'll see him complaining about having to be in Mineral Town. Gray spends his mornings at the blacksmith shop but in the afternoons he goes to Mary's Library to read the books. It seems books are the only way for Gray to fantasize about getting out of the small village.
Besides being at Saibara's or in the Library, you can find him in the upstairs room at the Inn where he lives. Gray is pretty easy to please since he likes any ores or jewels you dig up in the Spring and Lake mines. The only type he won't like is the Junk ore that you find in the Spring mine. Who wants a pile of junky rocks as a gift?
Since he spends so much time in the Library, he's obviously going to get to know Mary quite well. When the two of them get married the Library becomes closed on Thursdays as well, since it's Gray's day off from working at the Smithy.

Birthday »
Winter 06

Favorites »
All ores except for Junk Ore, all Jewels, Baked Corn

The Doctor is the head fellow in charge of Mineral Clinic. If you aren't feeling well then you can go visit him and he'll give you an examination. His nurse Elli sells potions that you can drink (or cook with) that will make you feel better. If you ever work yourself until you pass out, you'll wake up in the clinic and have to listen to a stern scolding from the Doc.
Doctor usually keeps to himself since he's a very serious person. The only time you're going to see him outside the clinic is on Wednesdays when it's closed. Sometimes he goes to the yearly festivals to watch the events. He also likes to go to Mary's Library on Wednesdays and reads the books upstairs.
Elli has a lot of admiration towards Doctor and is secretly infatuated with him. Doctor is sometimes too busy to notice Elli's affection but if you see all of their Heart Events together, the two of them will get married.

Birthday »
Fall 19

Favorites »
Milk, Red Magic Grass, All Wild Grasses


راح أذكر كل المحلات الموجودة باللعبة :

1- السوبر ماركت .

3- منزل الأقزام << هوا مو محل يبيع .. لكن راح تستفيدو منه إذا كنت كل يوم تعطي الأقزام راح يحبونك , كيف تعرف انهم يحبونك؟ .. روح وقف اللعبة اللي تطلع لك الفلوس اللي عندك و اضغط زر يمين او يسار واستمر تضغط طبعاً راح يجيك أنواع من الصفحات إذا جاتك صفحة فيها صور للأقزام وقف وشوف جنب كل قزم كم قلب إذا شفت 3 قلوب تقدر تخليهم يشتغلون عندك ,كيف تخليهم يشتغلون عندك؟ .. روح كلم القزم اللي عنده 3 قلوب ومافووقهم واضغط الخيار الأول بعدها راح يجيك خيارات ثانية إذا كنت تبي القزم يشتغل عندك ويسقي الزرع إضغط على وتر <<هههه ماكتبت إنجليزي عشان أسرع .. واذا تبغيه يحصد الزرع إضغط على اللي تحت وتر .. إذا بغيته يشتغل للحيوانات إضغط على اللي جنب وتر .. بعدين راح يجيك خيارات ثانية
وهي كم يوم تبي, الخيار الأول [إسبوع] , الخيار الثاني [3أيام] , الخيار الثالث [يوم].

4- المطعم .

5- المحل اللي في الشاطئ [ لبيع بعض البذور].

6- المحل اللي في الشاطئ [ مايفتح إلا في فصل الربيع , هوا مطعم عادي ] .

7- محل توماس [ بيته ] .

8- المستشفى .

9- محل للبيع الدجاج.

10- محل لبيع البقر و الخروف .

11- محل لتطوير الأدوات و شراء الآلات و شراء بعض الأدوات .

12- المكتبة.

13- منزل آن .

14- محل لتطوير مزرعتك و تكبير منزلك .

الحين الكل يبي يعرف أسرار عن اللعبة


وانا جايب لكم طبخات كثيـــــــــــــــرة .. أتمنى تستفيدو منها لأن الحين في مسابقات للطبخ طبعاً راح تسوون عصير إذا كانت المسابقة بالعصيرات , تسوون كيك إذا صارت المسابقة بالكيك ~


Mayonnaise (S) : Regular Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (M) : Good Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (L) :High Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (G): Golden Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (P): P Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (X): X Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

X Egg Regular: Quality Egg + Good Quality Egg + High Quality Egg + Gold Egg + P Egg

Milk (X) :Milk (S) + Milk (M) + Milk (L) + Milk (G) + Milk (P)

Cheese (X) :Cheese (S) + Cheese (M) + Cheese (L) + Cheese (G) + Cheese (P)

Wild Grape Juice: Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot

Pickles: Cucumber + Salt

Salad: (Cucumber/ Tomato/ Carrot/ Cabbage) + Knife

Curry Rice: Curry Powder + Rice balls + Pot

Stew: Flour + Milk + Pot + Salt

Miso Soup: Miso + Pot + Salt + at least 1 edible item

Fried Rice: Rice balls + Oil + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan

Savory Pancake: Cabbage + Oil + Flour + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan + Knife

Sandwitch: (Tomato/ Cucumber/ Boiled Egg) + Bread + Knife

Fruit Juice : (Apple/ Strawberry) + Mixer

Fruit Latte: Fruit Juice + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Veggie Juice Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + Mixer

Veggie Latte: Veggie Juice + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Mixed Juice (Strawberry/ Apple/ Pineapple/ SUGDW Apple/ AEPFE Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ Wild Grape) + (Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + Mixer

Mixed Latte (any size) Milk + (Strawberry/ Apple/ Pineapple/ SUGDW Apple/ AEPFE Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ Wild Grape) + (Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + Mixer

Pickled Turnips : Turnip + Knife + Vinegar

French Fries: Potato + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan

Strawberry Jam: Strawberry + Pot + Sugar

Strawberry :Milk Strawberry + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Tomato Juice: Tomato + Mixer

Ketchup: Tomato + Onion + Mixer + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar

Popcorn :Corn + Frying Pan

Corn Flakes: Corn + Rolling Pin + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Baked Corn : Corn + Oven

Pineapple Juice :Pineapple + Mixer

Pumpkin Pudding any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Pumpkin + Pot + Oven + Sugar

Pumpkin: Stew Pumpkin + Pot + Sugar + Soy Sauce

Happy Eggplant :Eggplant + Frying Pan + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso

Sweet Potatoes : Butter + (any size) Egg + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven

Baked Sweet Potato: Sweet Potato + Oven

Greens: Spinich + Pot + Soy Sauce

Scrambled :Eggs (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

Omelet : (any size) Egg + Oil + (any size) Milk + Frying Pan

Omelet Rice: (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oil + Rice Balls + Frying Pan

Boiled Egg: (any size) Egg + Pot

Pudding : (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oven + Pot + Sugar

Hot Milk: (any size) Milk + Pot

Butter: (any size) Milk + Mixer

(any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Pot + Whisk + Oven + (any size) Cheese Sugar

Cheese Fondue: (any size) Cheese + Bread + Pot

Apple Pie :Apple + (any size) Egg + Butter + Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar

Apple Jam: Apple + Pot + Sugar

Apple Soufflé: (Apple/ SUGDW Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ AEPFE Apple) + Frying Pan

Bamboo Rice: Bamboo Shoot + Rice ball

Grape Jam:Wild Grape + Pot + Sugar

Grape Juice:Wild Grape + Mixer

Mushroom Rice:Mushroom + Rice Ball

Truffle Rice:Truffle + Rice Ball

Sushi: Sashimi + Rice Ball + Vinegar

Jam Bun: (Apple Jam/ Strawberry Jam/ Grape Jam) + Bread

Dinner Roll:Bread + Butter

Raisin Bread: Bread + Wild Grape

Curry Bread:Bread + Oil + Curry Powder + Frying Pan

Toast:Bread + Oven

French Toast:Bread + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

SashimiMedium Fish/ Large Fish) + Knife

Grilled Fish: Medium Fish + Frying Pan

Chirashi Sushi:Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Rice Ball + Knife + Vinegar

Pizzaany size) Cheese + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven

Noodles: Flour + Pot + Rolling Pin + Knife

Curry Noodles: Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot

Tempura Noodles:Tempura + Noodles + Pot

Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Grass + Moondrop Flower + Pinkcat Flower + Toy Flower

Summer Sun : Small Fish + Medium Fish + Large Fish + Fossil of Ancient Fish + Pirate Treasure

Autumn Sun : Cheese (X) + Mayonaise (X) + X Egg + Milk (X) + Wool (X) + Yarn (X)

Winter Sun :Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond + Mythic Stone + Sand Rose

Elli Leaves: 6 types of burnt food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL + Knife + Frying Pan + Oven + Pot + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce + Miso

Relax Tea Leaves :Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass + Purple Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Knife + Frying Pan

Turbojolt XL :Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer

Turbojolt: Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magicred Flower + Pot

Bodigizer XL: Bodigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer

Bodigizer: Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot

AEPFE Apple : Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple

HMSGB Apple : Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple

SUGDW Apple: Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple

Relaxation :Tea Relax Tea Leaves + Pot

Pancakes: Flour + Oil + Butter + (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Honey + Sugar + Whisk + Frying Pan

Chocolate Cake: Chocolate + Butter + Flour + (any size) Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Cake :Butter + Flour + (any size) Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Ice Cream any size) Milk + (any size) Egg + Whisk + Pot + Sugar

Chocolate Cookies :Flour + (any size) Egg + Chocolates + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar

Cookies: Flour + (any size) Egg + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar

Fish Sticks: (Medium Fish/ Large Fish) + Mixer + Salt

Potato Pancakes: Potato + Onion + (any size) Egg + Oil + Flour + Knife + Frying Pan + Salt

Candied Potato: Sweet Potato + Honey + Pot

Egg Over Rice : (any size) Egg + Rice Ball + Pot

Tempura Rice: Rice Ball + Tempura + Salt

Rice Gruel: Rice Balls + Pot + Salt

Toasted Rice Balls: Rice Balls + Oven

Roasted Rice Cake: Rice Cake + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Moon Dumpling : Muffin Mix + Sugar

Mountain Stew: Carrot + Mushroom + Bamboo Shoots + Knife + Pot + Sugar + Soy Sauce

Tempura :Flour + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

Buckwheat Chips :Buckwheat Flour + Pot

Fried Noodles: Buckwheat Noodles + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce

Noodles w/ Tempura: Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot

Buckwheat Noodles: Buckwheat Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin

Fried Noodles: Noodles + Oil + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan

الحــين وإنتهينــــــآا من الموضوع

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Up_arrow أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Down_arrow
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
¬ ڪبار الشخصيات ★

النقاط » النقاط » : 21572
تقييمي » تقييمي » : 1522
الحالة » الحالة » : ملهمة
الجنس » الجنس » : انثى
الجوائز والأوسمة
وسام السنوية العاشرة
وسام السنوية العاشرة

أسرار لعبة هارفست مون Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: أسرار لعبة هارفست مون   أسرار لعبة هارفست مون I_icon_minitimeالسبت 14 أكتوبر 2017, 20:08

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
شكرا لك عالمعلومات مع انني قرأتها سابقا 
هذه اللعبة من افضل العاب الفيديو أسرار لعبة هارفست مون 1f60d خاصة
جمع الأشياء و العناية بالحيوانات و المزرعة و الطبخ
و نحن نناديه الفلاح الصغير أسرار لعبة هارفست مون 1f601 شكرا لك سارة 
موفقة أسرار لعبة هارفست مون 1f49b 
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أسرار لعبة هارفست مون
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» لعبة هارفست مون friends of mineral town
» تقرير عن لعبة Little Nightmares لعبة الغموض الرائعة !
» لعبة صبايا
» لعبة روعه ♥ لعبة دراكولا ♥
» لعبة (((نعم .........لا)))

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